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Chalo means 'Let's go' in Hindi and it refers to how easy it is to go on a bicycle adventure. The hardest thing is the decision to go for it. Once the decision is made it's mainly up to some legpower and a lot of willpower. 


This website wants to give practical information to people looking for a (short) cycle adventure. By providing tourbiking roadbooks it hopes to inspire and help people organize their trip.

Through contributions from other passionate cyclists Chalo wants to offer a wide variety of tour options and become a tourbiking roadbook directory.




Chalo is created by Sophie De Bleecker. She is a random girl from Belgium who has the desire to share her love for tourcycling with others.  She is the perfect example of how you don't need to be a trained cyclist or super organized traveler to embark on adventure cycle rides. 

She is now back in Belgium but always up for new trips, collaborations, ideas, ...just get in touch

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Don't be shy :)

Do you want to collaborate? Do you have questions? I am always happy to hear from you. Use the form below and I'll get back to you asap!

Bedankt! Bericht verzonden.

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